Note to guy walking across campus in a suit and flip-flops: Buy some shoes.
Scooters should use the bike path, not the road lanes. Seriously - my SUV trumps your scooter, and you just can't go fast enough.
I'm amazed at how jay-walkers and jay-bikers think that if they don't look at you, then they're not going to be caught. Sorry, but this isn't philosophy class: the world really does still exist even if it's not in your immediate line-of-sight.
I made the mistake of going back to the cardiologist for a check-up. Here's a free tip: When a doctor says, "For a man in your situation ..." it's time to run from the room. Medication, blood tests and an all-morning stress test next week. I'm in hell.
Learning to write again.
5 years ago
1 comment:
1. Flip Flops are an abomindation.
2. Even worse about the Scooter People is how smug they are. Well yay for you, yes, you're saving gas. You're just so darned better than me... now get out of my way. I'm late for my Oil Spilling party where we choose which body of water to spoil next.
3. Are you eating your oatmeal?
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