Note to guy walking across campus in a suit and flip-flops: Buy some shoes.
Scooters should use the bike path, not the road lanes. Seriously - my SUV trumps your scooter, and you just can't go fast enough.
I'm amazed at how jay-walkers and jay-bikers think that if they don't look at you, then they're not going to be caught. Sorry, but this isn't philosophy class: the world really does still exist even if it's not in your immediate line-of-sight.
I made the mistake of going back to the cardiologist for a check-up. Here's a free tip: When a doctor says, "For a man in your situation ..." it's time to run from the room. Medication, blood tests and an all-morning stress test next week. I'm in hell.
Learning to write again.
5 years ago