Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Humidity and alien dangers

It's been horrifically humid lately. While today seems a bit cooler, the last 2 weeks have been a blanket of humid weather the likes of which I've never seen. Even when the temp was only in the high 70s, the stifling humidity made it feel like you were swimming through an ocean of boiling water instead of walking outdoors.

There were times I actually had to push myself forward in order to move because of the oppressive atmosphere.

Yesterday, all I could think about was an old episode of "The Challenge of the Superfriends" - the Legion of Doom tricked the Justice League of America into turning the surface of the Earth into a super-heated swamp to make it habitable for the evil Fearians from the planet Venus. (Luckily, the JLA was able to thwart the scheme, in case you were worried about the outcome.)

I don't think the humid weather is an alien plot but, then again, I can't say for certain that it isn't.

And yes, in case you're wondering, everything and everyone that I encounter in my adult life can be related back to a television show or movie. Seriously.

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