It's strange to see a grown man throw a full-blown prima donna fit. We've come to expect it on reality TV shows, but I never thought I'd see one in person. Understandably, if you're always told how great you are and your entourage is surrounding you to keep your ego inflated, I suppose that kind of behavior is OK. Still seems odd to me, though ...
My grocery-store cashier this weekend was friendly enough, but I learned way too much about her in the course of a few minutes. She's 62, her mom died at 63 and her dad died at 62; her husband refuses to cut out sugar even though he's diabetic; her sister-in-law died from a disease that causes her blood to create clots; her nieces and nephews have now been diagnosed with the same condition; and her husband refuses to lay off of the red meat. It was a long few minutes.
Learning to write again.
5 years ago